Ladies with Italian greyhounds, elegant men with hunting dogs, children playing with puppies. Let's look at the faithful ...
If someone promises to find something at any cost, they can add: “Из-под земли достану!” (“Iz-pod zemli dostanu!”) or “I’ll ...
Throughout the history of cinema, the Russian writer's novels and short stories have been adapted hundreds of times for the ...
Russian has a way of changing a person's name in numerous ways, depending on everything from status to situation. Today we continue with ...
Vladimir is now just a small city near Moscow. But, it was once the capital of a powerful principality. Here are three of its ...
According to legend, the church was built on the site where Prince Vladimir was baptized. We highlight what you need to know ...
A giant epic novel about the Cossack life on the backdrop of Russia’s most turbulent times – the Revolution and the Civil War ...
A loving couple sailing in a boat; a funny pair of snails; a girl reading a book while hugging her favorite teddy bear – ...
Except for works describing real historical events, such as ‘War and Peace’ or ‘The Captain's Daughter’, Russian writers ...
Paul I lived in the Mikhailovsky Castle for only forty days. And Peter I came up with a project for a mansion on the seashore ...
Bloody peasant uprisings, Mongol conquests, the Great Patriotic War and the conquest of space - you will see all this and much more in these movies.
- Иван Васильевич меняет профессию (Ivan Vasilievich Changes His Profession), - Бриллиантовая рука (The Diamond Arm), - Служебный роман (Office Romance), - Операция ‘Ы’ и другие приключения Шурика ...