A man was shot dead in a revenge attack between the Haforiere and the Hiyala in Torit County of Eastern Equatoria State on ...
The Rev Fr Charles Vigilio Modi Tombe of the Catholic Diocese of Tambura-Yambio, Western Equatoria State, is dead. The Vicar ...
To support her family, thirteen-year-old Cissy resorted to working in odd jobs before getting married at fifteen, with the ...
At least one person, a Ugandan man, was killed and eight others wounded in South Sudan Tuesday when gunmen ambushed a Bebeto ...
On 28 August, the committee began work to recover assets in and around the main mosque in Nimule Town on a piece of land ...
The Rumbek Agar Youth Union Organization (RUMYU) Chairperson, Warkok Jur, has appealed to the international NGOs, the civil ...
The Marial-Bai Payam Community in Western Bahr el Ghazal State’s Jur River County has reached out to the United Nations ...
The Secretary General of Sudan People Liberation Movement in Opposition (SPLM-IO), Regina Joseph Kaba, arrived ...
Stéphane Dujarric said that the Secretary-General is gravely alarmed by reports of a full-scale assault on the city by the ...
Health workers at the reproductive clinic in Mingkaman Town, Awerial County, in Lakes State have expressed concerns about an ...
The Minister of Information, Communication, Technology, and Postal Services, Michael Makuei Lueth, and Senior Presidential ...
Warrap State authorities on Friday said the Buoyar community in Gogrial East County and the Abiem Mayar Mareng of Tonj North ...