Learning more about the pros and cons of a raw diet for dogs is important so dog owners can make an informed decision before starting a dog on a raw diet. Here's veterinarian Dr. Anna Cherry's guide ...
Sure, a dog's neck is not as impressive as the neck of a giraffe, but it carries many roles. Discover five fascinating facts about a dog's neck. A dog's neck main function is to support the dog's head ...
Interestingly, there is a relationship between dogs and bears. No, this doesn't mean that at some point there was some love affair going on between Rover and Winnie the Pooh. It just means that, if we ...
Yes, dogs and their owners can go through a honeymoon period just like couples do when at the beginning of their relationship everything seems deliriously perfect. The phenomenon is most commonly ...
Whether diet can help perianal fistulas in dogs is a big question. Ever owner of a dog suffering from this painful condition is hopeful that diet can in some way help their dogs recovery.
Abdominal breathing in dogs is something to be concerned about. It can be a hallmark sign of significant respiratory compromise and the breathing may be labored. Have your dog see the emergency vet at ...
Is it a Ferrari? A couch potato? Or maybe a mix between the two? Introducing the Greyhound, the dog breed known for its sleek, aerodynamic features and amazing speed, but only when it's absolutely ...
If you are planning to fly with your Pitbull, you may be wondering what airlines allow Pitbulls in 2024. There are less and less airlines nowadays willing to fly this dog breed, causing lots of ...
Everybody knows that dogs are blessed with a superior sense of smell, but have you ever wondered what makes your dog's nose so incredibly powerful? Sure, with roughly 300 million olfactory receptors ...
Hypoallergenic dogs have been all the rage for a while, but is there really such a thing as a truly hypoallergenic dog? Turns out, the answers can be as volatile as the stock market and will vary ...
If the skin on your dog's stomach turned dark, you are likely wondering what's going on with your canine companion. A sudden color change on your dog's stomach is something worthy of investigating, ...