However well-meaning this family is, Miss Manners can understand that it creates a nuisance for your daughter, who is trying ...
GENTLE READER: The best counsel Miss Manners has for you is to invite guests who engage in conversation, so that they are not ...
In today's Miss Manners column, advice columnist Judith Martin responds to someone who has a question about paying the bill ...
DEAR ERIC: We have a couple we get together with periodically for dinner. It’s low key about setting time and place; usually ...
In today's Miss Manners column, advice columnist Judith Martin responds to someone who is unsure how to properly eat oysters.
Unfortunately, times have changed and the younger generations have lost awareness of this kind of etiquette. This is unfortunate, as table manners are essential to everyday life. From meeting ...
Dear Miss Manners: Please help me with line etiquette when faced with the following scenario. Person A enters the post office and gets behind five people in line. There is a group at the table ...
The family sitting next to me at a restaurant had a child that shrieked the entire time. Is there anything I could have done about it?
DEAR MISS MANNERS: What do you think about people who start scanning their items at grocery store self-checkouts and sending them down the belt before one has finished bagging one’s own items?
DEAR MISS MANNERS: At a restaurant, I laid my credit card on the table to signal we were ready to pay. My daughter said that was discourteous and I should wait for the server to bring the bill.
At the party, I made sure that all items were labeled clearly on the dessert table ... What is the correct etiquette here? It would have been far more insulting, in Miss Manners’ estimation ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I was walking in the humanities building of the university where I am a graduate student. I turned the corner of the hallway that leads to the offices and saw one of my ...